Momostenango has a true small-town feeling, where even in a
week or two you will naturally get to know the neighbors. It's
the county seat and cultural center for the "municipio"
of Momostenango, which is recognized by anthropologists for
the strong roots of its Mayan culture. The region is known for
its soap, its ponchos, its woolen blankets and rugs, and its
hospitality. Stores around Guatemala call themselves "La
Momosteca" to convey a sense of that hospitality.
Other local craftsmanships include brooms, brushes, candles, and
wood objects like furniture and musical instruments. Market days
are sundays and wednesdays, during wich you can observe the crafts.
Nearby San Francisco is known for its Friday animal market - a
sight to see.
Marimba, drumbs, chirimia, violins and guitars are among the most
usual instruments played in the region. The candles and the pom
(incense) are used a lot for celebrations such as the wajxakib
batz, the center of the Mayan ritual year.